from both developing and developed countries have long pointed to the vast
amount of “red tape” that still exists in moving goods across borders, and
which poses a particular burden on small and medium-sized enterprises. The
Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) contains provisions for expediting the
movement, release and clearance of goods, including goods in transit. It also
sets out measures for effective cooperation between customs and other appropriate
authorities on trade facilitation and customs compliance issues. The
Agreement will help improve transparency, increase possibilities to participate
in global value chains, and reduce the scope for corruption.1 The TFA was
the first Agreement concluded at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) by all of its Members,
including Kenya, and it entered into force on 22 February 2017.
Article 1.1 of the TFA, Member countries are required to publish
trade-related information in a prompt, non-discriminatory and easily accessible
manner. Article 1.2 additionally requires Member countries to publish descriptions of import,
export and transit procedures through the internet.
To fulfil
its obligations under the TFA, Sri Lanka has developed the step-by-step
functionality; publishing the relevant information on trade procedures, making it easily accessible to all public and private
actors. Much of the information required in the various provisions of Art. 1,
is provided on the Portal’s step-by-step presentation of trade procedures which
are accessible through the search bar on the Home page.
purpose of this Trade Facilitation Repository (TFR) is to help users find
relevant information related to each of the provisions of Article 1.1 of
the TFA.
Article 1.1: Publication
(a) Procedures
for importation, exportation, transit, temporary import and re-export (including port and
airport entry-point procedures), and required forms and documents;
(b) Applied
rates of duties and taxes of any kind imposed on or in connection with
importation or exportation;
(c) Fees
and charges imposed by or for governmental agencies on or in connection with
importation, exportation or transit;
(d) Rules
for the classification or valuation of products for customs purposes;
(e) Laws,
regulations, and administrative rulings of general application relating to
rules of origin;
(f) Import,
export or transit restrictions or prohibitions;
(g) Penalty
provisions for breaches of import, export, or transit formalities;
(h) Procedures
for appeal or review;
(i) Agreements
or parts thereof with any country or countries relating to importation,
exportation, or transit; and
(j) Procedures relating to the administration of tariff quotas.
Source: The Trade
Facilitation Agreement, Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility